Your Entrepreneurial Toolbox

Tech Tools, Humans, Books, and More to Help You Grow Your Business Faster, Easier, and More Successfully without burnout, stress, and overwhelm.

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Come to Our Weekly Live Show: Wired Differently

We go live every week to share insights, strategies, and answer questions that you need to know so you can move forward in your entrepreneurial journey faster, easier, and with a greater chance of success.

Free Workshop

No More Shiny Objects

The entrepreneurial world is brimming with 'shiny objects' - those tantalizing opportunities that promise the world but often lead you down a path of distraction and stalled dreams. It's time to step out of this relentless cycle and into a realm of true growth and fulfillment.

Free ebook

How to Design Offers that Scale Your Business

Master the art of offer design to skyrocket your business growth. Explore 20 product and services ideas across 11 different categories along with tips to help you boost your income AND your impact.


Christina Hooper - Business Design Consultant

Christina's on a mission to make business FUN while empowering you to shape thriving ventures. Over the past 16 years, she's had the privilege of helping hundreds of visionaries achieve remarkable transformations. She bring a unique approach that combines strategic clarity with a touch of creativity.

You have the opportunity to leverage her extensive experience in business design to unlock new levels of success and fulfillment. It's time to embark on this adventure and conquer challenges, unlock your potential, and make your entrepreneurial journey a fulfilling and enjoyable one.

Melanie Branch - Business Mindset Coach

As a magical speaker, author, and coach, I'm on a mission to help women unlock their full potential, embrace their neurodivergent superpowers, and create a life that sparkles with magic. With years of experience navigating the business world as a neurodivergent entrepreneur, I know firsthand the challenges that can arise when trying to manage burnout, imposter syndrome, and overwhelm.

Let's work together to create the transformation that you're ready for and need in your life.

Victoria Caldwell - Fractional COO

I'm on a mission to help creative entrepreneurs achieve their biggest visions, create the freedom they desire, and lead successful teams. With years of experience and a natural aptitute as a supporter, I know what's possible when you have the right team members in place with the right systems and processes to help them succeed. When you're in your flow state and they're in theirs, you can get where you want to go faster, easier, and more successfully than you could alone.

Tech Tools

OpenDyslexic Font

If you're using a Chrome browser, there's an awesome font that will help make reading on websites more accessible for you. It changes all the text to use a font designed to make the letters behave.


HighLevel is like Active Campaign, ClickFunnels, and a team of marketers had a baby but priced VERY affordably for agencies and their clients.


We use this for editing every podcast or video that we put out for us and our clients. It makes transcripts, repurosing clips, and everything super easy.

There's TONS of ai tools out there, but what we really like about this one is their commitment to making a marketing tool that's designed specifically for non-marketers to make content that matches their brand quickly and easily.


Project management is a struggle for most of us, and Christina has found TickTick to be an amazingly accessible, affordable, and passively aggressive to-do list manager that works great to track your personal to-do's or share lists of to-do's with your partners or assistants.


Banking for entrepreneurs that follows the Profit First methodology from Mike Michalowicz and helps you manage things like paying contractors, tracking profits, and doing simple bookkeeping tasks right inside your bank.


Content-Based Networking by James Carbury

This is a MUST-READ for anyone that wants to get clients faster and easier through scrappy methods while ALSO creating content for marketing.

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz

Since its first publication in 1960, Maxwell Maltz’s landmark bestseller has inspired and enhanced the lives of more than 30 million readers. In this updated edition, with a new introduction and editorial commentary by Matt Furey, president of the Psycho-Cybernetics Foundation, the original text has been annotated and amplified to make Maltz’s message even more relevant for the contemporary reader.

More Freedom... More Impact... More Income!

We want you to build your business confidently and sustainably.

No burnout. No overwhelm. No exhaustion.

Our frameworks and mentors help guide you from startup to exit and every step in the middle.

Seriously... there's nothing else out there like us.

We're a combination of highly-specialized mentors on a mission to help improve the entrepreneurial experience for neurodivergent entrepreneurs. We don't wait until we've "made it" to have fun. Fun is necessary for us to succeed.

So what are you waiting for?

Trust your intuition and if your gut is saying "DO IT" and your bank account can support that decision without causing you financial hardship, then...

Just had a (paid) call with a new client — she’s level one of my avatar — and the call was so chaotic (to me anyway) and I felt like I really sucked (hello imposter syndrome), but then she said ‘oh my god where have you been all my life’ and was so excited to work together and said this was the most helpful thing she’s had in a while.

I was like whatttttt!? I’m writing this in my journal of wins!

Jade was struggling to balance client's needs with her own — after joining, she went through a BIG level-up with her mindset and her business.

I’m working on the Content Ecosystem Map we were talking about last night… it is SO much better for me to see it this way… at least right now.

I’m working with ChatGPT and it is actually fun work and gets me excited. Thanks so much for this… my brain gets it!!!!

Gwen was balancing a LOT in her life and day job while trying to launch her business and build a legacy for her family — and we were happy to help!

This is a Safe Space Business School

We support people being awesome people, no matter their race, creed, gender, sex, country, religion, or choice in TV shows. The only people that aren't welcome here are the people that don't agree with that.

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