Call or Text:
+1 423-225-8508
Mailing Address:
4685 Happy Valley Rd
Unit #349
Flintstone, GA 30725
United States
We want you to build your business confidently and sustainably.
No burnout. No overwhelm. No exhaustion.
Our frameworks and mentors help guide you from startup to exit and every step in the middle.
Seriously... there's nothing else out there like us.
We're a combination of highly-specialized mentors on a mission to help improve the entrepreneurial experience for neurodivergent entrepreneurs. We don't wait until we've "made it" to have fun. Fun is necessary for us to succeed.
So what are you waiting for?
Trust your intuition and if your gut is saying "DO IT" and your bank account can support that decision without causing you financial hardship, then...
We support people being awesome people, no matter their race, creed, gender, sex, country, religion, or choice in TV shows. The only people that aren't welcome here are the people that don't agree with that.
2025 Sparkitive, LLC - All Rights Reserved
4685 Happy Valley Rd, Unit #349, Flintstone, GA 30725