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Christina Working at Night

Why I'll (Probably) Always Work on Nights & Weekends

April 15, 20247 min read

Let's face it, the jarring buzz of an alarm clock, followed by a mad dash into the bustling world, isn't everyone's cup of tea.

For years, that was my reality, and it was tough.

With kids to get ready, a demanding day job, and the societal mantra that success only greets the early riser, I was stuck in a cycle that felt like a square peg being forced into a hexagonal hole.

And let's not even talk about the constant clash with my brain's unique wiring — thanks ADHD and Autism for making 'routine' a necessary but forever elusive concept.

Imagine, though, a world where the norm doesn't dictate your schedule, where your internal clock sets the pace and satisfaction replaces the relentless hustle.

That's the afterglow I discovered when I stopped subscribing to the one-size-fits-all blueprint of productivity.

Finding harmony in what felt natural for me made all the difference — aligning my work with nights and weekends under the soft glow of the moon and the quiet hush that comes with it.

It was here that I could breathe, think and create without the world bearing down on me.

But how did I bridge the gap between the relentless morning grind and serene nocturnal productivity?

It was all about reshaping my schedule to align with my personal rhythm and throwing off the chains of guilt that capitalist narratives had locked around my ankles.

Breaking free was liberating, and by setting firm boundaries, I found my sanctuary in a timetable that many might find unconventional.

It's about redefining what works for you, and sometimes, that means embracing the calm of the night and the flexibility of weekends.

Let me take you through the journey of reclamation and show you how you, too, can build a lifestyle that's in tune with your beat.

The Real Secret: It's Not Just About Early Mornings

I'm going to climb on my soapbox for a moment, because there's something I've noticed, and perhaps you have too.

We often hear about miracle morning routines — the 5 AM wake-ups, journaling by the first light of day, invigorating cold plunges, and transcendental meditation sessions.

These practices are hailed as the silver bullet to skyrocketing happiness, productivity, and goal-smashing.

But here's my take: it's never simply the strategy itself that ignites this transformation.

When someone credits their success solely to these early bird rituals, I can't help but raise an eyebrow. More often than not, it's the mindset shift that occurs when incorporating these habits that is the real game-changer.

The true transformation comes from placing happiness and well-being at the forefront of one's thoughts.

You see, if this approach truly was a one-size-fits-all solution, we wouldn't see such a dichotomy in outcomes.

Why does it work wonders for some and leave others exhausted, stressed, and less productive? That's the billion-dollar question.

Here’s the scoop: self-discovery is paramount.

Understanding how your unique mind and body operate is crucial, especially when your days might be packed with a 'muggle' job, running your business, or caring for your family.

Your routine shouldn't be a carbon copy of someone else's; it needs to be custom-made for you.

So, let's dive in and explore what personalizing your day-to-day really entails.

Tailoring Your Schedule: Embrace Your Unique Rhythm

Conventional wisdom would have you believe that success blooms from the 9-to-5 grind, Monday through Friday.

But what if the status quo just isn't you?

We've seen the studies: for many, a four-day workweek outshines the traditional five. Yet, that's not the end of the story. Some of us hit our stride with shorter workdays spread over a week, while others power through three longer shifts and come out on top.

Consider this: while early risers may cherish the predawn silence, my energy peaks as 8 pm approaches. While they're wrapping up their days, I'm just hitting my stride — my bedtime doesn't beckon until the wee hours, and I welcome the morning light closer to when most are halfway through their workday.

And sleep? It's not a one-size-fits-all deal.

You'll find sleepers thriving on six hours and others who feel short-changed with anything less than ten. It's particularly eye-opening to learn that our sleep needs might vary by gender — rendering one-size-fits-all sleep studies less applicable to those who don't fit the mold.

Remember, if you're AFAB, your intuition and lived experience matter far more than what generic studies promote — especially considering that most studies are done on men because women's bodies are too unpredictable with our periods and pregnancies and such complicating their results 🙄

Meanwhile, I lean into the luxury of midweek sunshine, choosing not to confine myself to an indoor workspace when being outside beckons. I reshuffle my hours, working evenings and weekends when I can immerse myself in quiet focus, devoid of the usual interruptions.

This shift affords me the joy of serene grocery aisles on weekday afternoons and tranquil roads during my work breaks — simple pleasures that align with my needs and lifestyle.

My message to you is simple: grant yourself the freedom to step away from societal expectations. Mold your schedule around what invigorates your mind, body, and spirit.

Embrace this season of life, and fine-tune your routine not as a mirror of mine, but as a reflection of your own essence. Take the ideas that resonate, try them on for size, and if they don’t fit, have the courage to cast them aside.

After all, it's your journey we’re talking about, and it's all about moving forward in the right direction.

Crafting Your Ideal Routine: Small Shifts, Big Rewards

I must give a shout-out to Melanie Branch, my mindset mentor and partner-in-crime at The Neuro-Spicy Academy, for her wisdom on this topic. She's the genius behind the "Routines that Work" course that me and our students use to reshape our days.

Here's my humble spin on her insights and some examples of how I changed my routines.

First things first, you need to outline the non-negotiables in your day.

Whether it's shuttling kids to school, creating killer content, or tackling household chores, understand what takes up your time.

Then, ponder over a habit or two you'd like to tweak.

Don't go overboard; just nudge one not-so-great habit incrementally toward the positive.

Want more exercise? Then aim for more than what you're doing now. This could mean a bustling walk on energetic days or some simple leg lifts when your stamina is snoozing.

Both are valid and you'll choose which one each day based on if it's a low-energy day or a high-energy day and either way you'll make progress.

Now, mix a little fun into those must-dos.

Hate cleaning? Blast your favorite tunes or get lost in a TV show while you scrub away.

When driving the kiddos around, how about some carpool karaoke? Or pack your breakfast, stop on your way home at a beautiful spot, and enjoy 10 minutes of peace for yourself.

Here's how I've shaken things up:

  • I block early mornings off my calendar because 'no-people mornings' make for a better me.

  • No meetings on Mondays, either — they're my soft start to the week.

  • Also, I love waking up without an alarm around 8 am, and I drift off to sleep with the familiar murmurs of TV reruns — no cliffhangers, please!

  • Goodbye, traditional phone calls — hello, video chats! They're a lifesaver for someone who juggles with auditory processing like I do. Visual cues? Yes, please!

  • And the cherry on top? Intentional brain breaks between tasks for a quick stretch or a stride. It helps ease the gears as I shift from one task to another.

Remember, it's all about little adjustments that pave the way for big strides. Now, let's get you started on that journey to a routine that clicks.

Chart Your Unique Path with The Neuro-Spicy Academy

Now that we've wandered through the wilds of unconventional schedules and personal rhythms, how about we take that bold step towards something extraordinary?

I invite you to become part of a like-minded community where your distinctive beat is not just heard but amplified.

Join me at The Neuro-Spicy Academy, where I, alongside a chorus of mentors, unveil a deeper dive into these discussions and so much more.

Imagine having access to a wealth of courses, practical templates, and a treasure trove of resources. Picture an interactive metaverse campus where ideas spark and connections are made.

It's all at your fingertips and guess what? It’s your day to score a win because joining is free today.

Embrace this adventure that promises to make your entrepreneurial journey smoother, quicker, and more successful than if you were charting the waters alone.

Take that inspired leap with The Neuro-Spicy Academy and let’s tailor a path that not only fits you perfectly but also celebrates the vibrant spectrum of your entrepreneurial spirit.

Ready to join the movement?

Your next chapter in personal and professional growth is just a few clicks away.

personal productivityflexible routinesself-care
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Christina "Blue" Hooper

Hey! I'm Christina "Blue" Hooper Since 2007, I've worked with thousands of misfit entrepreneurs working hard to carve a slice of success for themselves. From websites and marketing to branding, copywriting, development, computer programming, engineering, non-profit, personal development, business design, consulting, coaching, design, and so much more! Through it all, I've discovered the subtle signs that lead to success or failure for different entrepreneurs. I've dedicated years of my life to improving the journey for entrepreneurs that think different, do different, and create ripples of change in their corners of the world. Learn more about me at https://christinahooper.com

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