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The Art of Choosing Your Ideal Content Vehicle

March 05, 20247 min read

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the constant demand for captivating content? Believe me, you're not alone on this. Rapidly evolving trends and frequent alterations to platform algorithms only seem to amp up this challenge.

Now, let's flip the script.

Envision an environment where creating potent content feels like second nature.

You step away from the ceaseless struggle of keeping up with trends, and instead, you bask in the ease of producing content that truly hits home with your audience.

Freed from the tight grip of ever-changing trends and fickle algorithm changes, you're able to channel your energy effectively towards what truly sparks your enthusiasm.

The key to shifting from one scenario to the other lies in mastering how to pick the right content vehicle for you.

Investigate different content types, pinpoint what you find pleasurable to create, and place your emphasis on consistency over fleeting trends. This approach can morph the intimidating task of content creation into a rewarding and enjoyable undertaking.

Allow me to be your compass in this journey and provide a roadmap to shepherd you through this transformation.

Step 1: Identify Possible Content Vehicles

Content Vehicles are the different mediums or channels through which you deliver your content. Think of it like picking a topic you want to tell someone about — like how to bake delicious blueberry muffins — and then picking a vehicle to transfer that content from your brain to theirs.

For example, if you're a chef with a great muffin recipe to share, you have a TON of content vehicles you could choose from...

  • Video Tutorial: If you find joy in front of the camera, use this to your advantage. Create a video tutorial, showing each step of baking those scrumptious blueberry muffins. Make sure to sprinkle in your personal tips and tricks to stand out.

  • Recipe Write-up: If writing is your thing, you could craft a mouth-watering, detailed write-up of your recipe. Take your readers on a sensory journey – make them taste the blueberries, smell the fresh muffins straight out of the oven, and hear the satisfying crunch of the first bite.

  • Printable Recipe: Ready to flex your design muscles? Create a printable downloadable recipe. A visually appealing, easy-to-follow guide can be a hit for those looking for a quick reference. This could include an ingredients list, steps, preparation time, and even some pictures of the process or final product.

  • Podcast: Podcasting can be a great way to connect with your audience. Maybe you could start a baking series, discussing different recipes, baking techniques, or even sharing your own personal experiences.

  • Webinar/Online Class: Want to engage with your audience live? Hosting an online class or webinar can provide a more interactive experience. Showcase your baking process in real-time, answer questions, and instantly provide insight to your viewers.

  • Social Media Carousel: A carousel post can be a great way to break down the recipe into smaller digestible parts. This could include ingredients, photos of each step, and finally, the finished product in all its glory.

  • Blog Post: Long-form content like blog posts can be perfect for sharing your baking experience, while allowing you to dive deeper into specifics. You can talk about why you love the recipe, your secret ingredients, or even your culinary journey in general.

  • E-book: An e-book can compile multiple recipes, providing a valuable resource to your audience. It can be a more extensive project, but also one that truly allows your expertise to shine.

This diverse list is just the tip of the iceberg, there are countless other content vehicles waiting for you to explore.

As the first step in your content vehicle strategy, you must list down all potential content vehicles that have come across your radar — from ones you've dabbled in, ones you've thought of venturing into, to the ones you've admired from a distance in others' work.

Step 2: Categorize Your Content Vehicles

By rating content vehicles according to your personal preference and comfort, you can avoid forcing yourself into content mediums that deplete your creative energy.

Instead, you can focus on creating content that's not going to deplete your mental, emotional, or physical energy.

Go through each type of vehicle on your list and categorize it as one of these 5 feels...

  • 🥰 Love It - Can do it without getting drained

  • 😋 Like it - Can do it, but do get a tad drained

  • 🫤 Meh - Can do it some if I need to

  • 😓 Ugh - Can do it have to, wouldn't want to

  • 💀 Nope - Would hate doing this

Don't overthink this categorization process — instead, trust your instinctive reactions.

If you've never done a type of vehicle before, that's ok. Go with your gut and mark it accordingly. For example, some people are intimidated by going live and haven't done it yet. So be honest with yourself and mark it accordingly.

You can always try new things later, so don't sabotage yourself or bring guilt into these categorizations. It's totally OK to not like some of this even if the "gurus" have told you that going live, or making videos, or whatever other tactic of the day is in season.

Be honest with yourself if you want this strategy to work.

Step 3: Adhere to Your "Love It" Vehicle for Three Months

Your next challenge? Produce content consistently using your "Love It" vehicle over the course of three months.

Think of it as strengthening your creative muscle. It's about staying consistent and ensuring your content doesn't taper off after the initial spark of interest.

We want to build momentum by doing it regularly instead of waiting on the motivation fairy to sprinkle the magically go-go dust on you.

Choose a creation rhythm that feels realistic for you — it could be daily, a few times per week, weekly, or a few times per month. Stick with it as much as possible and give yourself grace if you miss a deadline or two.

Remember, it's not about what everyone else is doing or what is currently trending.

It's all about finding those content vehicles that you feel comfortable with and enjoy creating. Your audience will feel your enthusiasm and authenticity, and that is the ultimate recipe for successful content.

Step 4: Repurpose Into "Like It" Vehicles

Next, scan through the content you've created diligently over three months and begin repurposing these elements into other content vehicles from your "Like It" category.

Repurposing allows you to extract more mileage from initial efforts, widening your content's reach while minimizing additional strain.

For instance, a blog post could be reformatted into an infographic for social media, chunks of a video script could be transformed into an engaging image carousel, or a piece of long-form content could be sliced into shorter posts.

The key here is to experiment, mix and match, and discover the most potent format combinations without spreading yourself too thin.

You might also find yourself wanting to expand into some of the other feel categories like meh, ugh, or nope. I don't want to hamper your exploration and I know that a lot of us neurodivergent peoples like a challenge... but I don't want you to sabotage your momentum.

Later on down the line you will have a massive library of content, so when your business is doing well and you have the bandwidth to start expanding your staff and outsourcing some of the work, you can always let someone else repurpose your content into the different vehicles that you do not enjoy.

Time to Take Action

Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and take a bold stride towards your dreams. Next stop? The Neuro-Spicy Academy. Why? Well, we've got more strategies and insights to take your content creation magic to even greater heights.

Imagine this. A place where like-minded people gather, a meeting ground for dreamers, builders, growers, scalers and relaxers just like you.

A community iridescent with ideas, glowing with shared goals and radiating the warmth of support. A place where entrepreneurial success isn't a wishful thought, but a tangible reality.

Sound like your kind of place? Well, come on in.

From courses to templates, from mentorship to plentiful resources, we offer everything you need to smoothly sail the entrepreneurial sea.

Navigate the high tides of the business world with our metaverse campus, designed specifically for you.

Remember, the journey is as crucial as the destination. So, why not make it a memorable, emotionally rewarding and indeed, a spicy one?

Join us today at the Neuro-Spicy Academy. It's completely free, yet richly rewarding.

After all, as entrepreneurs, we don't wait for the right opportunity — we create it. Are you ready to create yours?

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Christina "Blue" Hooper

Hey! I'm Christina "Blue" Hooper Since 2007, I've worked with thousands of misfit entrepreneurs working hard to carve a slice of success for themselves. From websites and marketing to branding, copywriting, development, computer programming, engineering, non-profit, personal development, business design, consulting, coaching, design, and so much more! Through it all, I've discovered the subtle signs that lead to success or failure for different entrepreneurs. I've dedicated years of my life to improving the journey for entrepreneurs that think different, do different, and create ripples of change in their corners of the world. Learn more about me at https://christinahooper.com

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