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Walking My Way to A Better Life: A Two-Month Experiment

March 11, 20244 min read

Entrepreneurship is a demanding journey.

From countless hours spent growing your business to the pressure of maintaining its progress, the struggle becomes part of your daily life.

You get caught in the hamster wheel of chasing success at the expense of your happiness, wellbeing, and in my case, health.

Now, what if there's a simple yet effective way to shift this narrative?

Imagine breaking free from the clutches of relentless burnout, reclaiming your vitality, and rekindling the joy that got lost somewhere between your startup spreadsheets.

I found my key to this transformative journey not within my office, but outdoors in the form of walking.

Here's how I used this underrated form of exercise to reinvent my life, health, and entrepreneurial spirit.

How Much, Why, and How It Helped...

  • 4 miles a day, everyday, for 2 months - It sounds simple but it took commitment and patience. Walking on a daily basis trained my body to move, breathe, and essentially, to feel better.

  • Fighting Chronic Illness - My path as an ADHD entrepreneur burdened with chronic illnesses like Mass cellular Activation Syndrome and POTS, was laden with chronic fatigue, low mood, pain and burnout. Walking became my ally against these constant challenges, telling me every day that it is possible to feel a little better than yesterday.

  • More than just Physical - Our mind craves movement as much as our body does. Those initial moments of panic - "What if you sprain your ankle? What if something bad happens?" - mitigated over time as I trained my mind to overpower these thoughts.

Protection is Key:

Safeguarding your exercise routine is vital, regardless of what it looks like.

For many, it might be an intense one-hour gym workout or lifting heavy weights.

But for me, my routine took a different shape, a simple 80-minute walk each day.

This routine might seem underwhelming to some, but for me, it held a sacred place in my daily schedule.

It wasn't about sweating, grunting, and pushing my body to its limits, but rather a measured, purposeful stride towards better health.

Sure, there were raised eyebrows and skeptical views, but that didn't discourage me.

From July through August, regardless of the weather or my mood, I kept up with my walking routine consistently.

Sometimes, it's the simplest routines that anchor us, and for me, it was these daily walks.

Rapid Results:

Before I started this fitness journey, I didn't walk much.

At most, I would go for a casual stroll once or twice a week. This shows that I wasn't consistently exercising, and my approach to walking was lackadaisical at best.

Yet, I decided to make a change. I committed to a more structured and regular walking routine. I carefully planned and followed a daily walking schedule.

The benefits came quickly. As soon as I started this new routine, I noticed several positive changes in my health and mindset. Being active and spending time outdoors helped me grow in many ways.

This change in routine brought about significant improvements in how I think. I started to think more clearly.

It was more than just an improvement — it felt like a total transformation. I started seeing problems differently, handling challenges better, and my self-perception improved a great deal.

Not only that, but my gut instinct or intuition seemed to get stronger. It felt like I opened up a part of my brain that I hadn't used before.

I began making better decisions, and this improvement wasn't limited to work; it spilled over into my personal life too.

In simpler terms, I went from casually walking a few times a week to following a structured daily walking routine.

This change resulted in immediate, noticeable improvements in my personal development, thought process, and intuition.

The Bottom Line:

If you, like me, are finding it strenuous to keep up with your startup's growth, or if self-improvement books aren't showing the results you want, incorporating a walking practice into your routine might be the solution.

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Melanie Branch

As a magical speaker, author, and coach, I'm on a mission to help women unlock their full potential, embrace their neurodivergent superpowers, and create a life that sparkles with magic. With years of experience navigating the business world as a neurodivergent entrepreneur, I know firsthand the challenges that can arise when trying to manage burnout, imposter syndrome, and overwhelm. That's why I'm here to offer my practical, holistic approach to self-care and success, as well as my passion for creating transformational experiences that leave you feeling inspired, empowered, and ready to take action.

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